I’m looking for experiences and advice on best practice for automating document generation and digital signing using Make to manage the process.
The scenario is an eForm (e.g. Jotform) would take all the variale data required. This would be passed to document generation (I use Docupilot, Pandadoc and others) to generate the document, then I want to pass it for digital signature.
An example would be a simple NDA. New contact fills out the form, Docupilot generates the NDA but I then struggle with the signing stage.
It seems to me that I have to go the API route with the digital signature solutiona nd I’ve looked at a few. That’s OK and I am prepared too but is more expensive than using the regular licenses for a doc signature solution. I don’t believe I can use a template without doing the automation in the document generation or digital signature stages. I want the control of Make controlling it.
Am I missing something here? Overthnking it perhaps?
I’m open to any tools to achieve this. Any experiences or advice would be most welcome