Issue 01
I am using the “Create Json” object, with an Array called “Product_Tags”.
When mapping with [“1”,“2”] makes formats the array like this :

How can I avoid the automatic echappement ?
Issue 02
I need to output a date in a specific format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”
I am pulling the data from a google sheet doc where the date is “YYYY-MM-DD”

I use for formatDate formula in a Array aggregator module

The output is not formatted properly

So in my Create JSON module, the date is showing like this

Many thanks
Welcome to the Make community!
You’ll have to use an iterator + array aggregator module, or convert your text 1,2
into an array like this:
{{ split("1,2"; ",") }}
You have to parse a date-like string type into a date type, by using the built-in function parseDate
, before you can use formatDate
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Thank you a lot @samliew
I was able to fix the array issue with split(
However, I am still struggling with the dateformat, I have tried with this formula : formatDate(parseDate(“date”;YYYY-MM-DD);YYYY-MM-DD) and still had the HH:mm:ssss indication.
As you can see I have even tried to make it manually

and the output still contains hh:mm:ssss

Any idea of what I am doing wrong ?
Thank you
No problem, glad I could help!
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