Downloading File from AWS SHA1 hash

There is an encoding issue when downloading certain files.

I have mentioned more details, and a possible workaround for this here: Read text in .txt file stored in google drive - #4 by samliew

You can try using a “Convert encoding” module using the same input and output encoding, then you can use the output of this module in a subsequent module (like Parse CSV or JSON).

Alternatively, you can simply try using the toString built-in function in the mapped field, something like this:  toString(data)  – however this method doesn’t work in some cases where the encoding actually has to be converted.

Then, to decrypt SHA text, you can use the built-in functions sha256 or sha512 – you’ll have to know which “level” it was encrypted with, or you can try both to see which works.

{{ sha512(toString( data )) }}