I’m unable to create a dropbox connection using the client ID and Secret. I get Error 400.
Invalid redirect URI.
Any advidce?
I’m unable to create a dropbox connection using the client ID and Secret. I get Error 400.
Invalid redirect URI.
Any advidce?
Welcome to the Make community!
Where did you get that redirect_uri from? Could you point to the documentation that says to use that link?
Getting the same error. Here’s the link you requested: https://www.make.com/en/help/app/dropbox?_gl=1*1ihhar3*_ga*NDMwNTc5MzI2LjE3MDUwMDI0ODY.*_ga_MY0CJTCDSF*MTcwNTM0NDI5OS4xMS4xLjE3MDUzNDgwMTIuNjAuMC4w#dropbox
Looks like the documentation may be slightly outdated:
Try using these four redirect_uris
Thanks a lot for the feedback and your eagle eyes @samliew
I passed the information on to our documentation team so that they can evaluate it.