Duplicate key error

Hey there , Currently , i am facing the error: The operation failed with an error. Duplicate key error. A record with the same key exists or was already inserted in this scenario.

In my scenario telegram watches updates then “Get record” sees if there is thread id etc,

then chatgpt answers to the message

then telegram sends that message to the user

but, the last module add/replace record is givin an error called: The operation failed with an error. Duplicate key error. A record with the same key exists or was already inserted in this scenario.

Below there are screenshots of all info you need, I hope someone who has experienced this problem can help me

Hello, you just asked the question only two hours ago on a weekend, and expect an immediate response?

Could you be a bit more patient? You are asking for free help here, and you’re not paying anyone.


In Data Store Add/replace a record, the key you’re adding already exists. You need to either check if it exists before adding it, or enable advanced settings and allow overwriting an existing record.

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