Email address from gravity form submission not coming through

Hello, First, we love the visuals that come with creating automations in make. We’re trying to see if we can switch all of our automation over from zapier to make. We thought that creating a simple scenario that takes the info from a gravity form submission would be pretty simple, but when we test out the workflow the email address comes through as the letter “G” instead of the test email address. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Hi there,

Can you please try to map “Answers:Email” variable from Gravity forms and see how that goes.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:


Hi @Eugene

I’ve noticed that in the “Watch Entries” output, the email appears to be from the “Answer” collection, and it is labeled as “2” not in the “Answer: Email: Enter Email” section. I suggest that you set the result as a hard-coded value, such as {{1.Answer.2}}.

Please try after running the module to map next section then it will appear.

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