Emails to google sheet

What are you trying to achieve?

Hi all, i am attempting to make a scenario which will collect all of my emails and then review them with chatgpt to put them into categories and then use chatgpt to summarise the activities i have done over the last year for an end of year report. I can do the later elements manually if needed the section i am stuck on is extracting all the emails content into a google sheet.

I can get one mail (always the same mail) from the flow i have (the last 3 stages of the image do that) and it happily puts the data i want into the google sheet. But i cannot get it to repeat or move onto the next mail.

If i added one extra dream state it would be great if it could also collect the folder where the mail was stored so i can pass that to the google sheet.

Steps taken so far

Attempt to get it to repeat
Microsoft 365 Email API call using /v1.0/me/mailFolders/inbox/messages to pull the JSON
Iterator to set the @data.nextlink
Tools - Set variable to set bundle order position
Repeater - to set the initial value as the bundle order (i was hoping to set a repeat iteration based upon this)

Section which works but doesnt repeat
Microsoft 365 Email API call using /v1.0/me/mailFolders/inbox/messages to pull the JSON
Text Parser to convert the HTML email to text
Google sheets to populate all the values to a sheet.

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

I have an updated version, so by using this one is can pull 253 messages but then it stops, if i put a repeater in or run it again it pulls exactly the same 253 messages. So how do it get it to pull the next ones and avoid duplication?