Embedding json body in mustache

Trying to embed a json body inside a mustache (.hbs) file. This is the response that I would like to map to a REST api call

{{#assign $x = “123”}}{{/assign}}

{{“test”: $x }}

The rest call always throws the following error:

HTTP ERROR 500 wiremock.com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: wiremock.com.github.jknack.handlebars.HandlebarsException: inline@74223767:4:2: found: '"test "', expected: 'no viable alternative at input '{{"test "''{{"test ": "txt "}}

Hi @Sashidhar_J; I wonder whether you need to escape the {{ characters because I encounter similar troubles when using the API for Atlassian Confluence.

What does the API documentation say for your call?