Hey i have been running scenarios using google drive connection and everything was good until yesterday it was failing to load my files due to the need of reauthorizing connection, which i proceeded to do but i am getting an error in the download a file module saying The operation failed with an error. 400 The requested conversion is not supported. originating from google drive apparently but i am not sure how to fix this, Please assist me solving this issue everything was working perfectly fine before!
Today i have tried making a new connection from scratch but still running into the same error.
What does the actual setup of the action look like?
Because a 400 typically means a bad request is being sent to Google Drive.
Maybe some fields got updated and the previous data you was trying to send was correct, but now it isn’t and needs to be sent in a slightly different way.
hey thanks for trying to help!
Im not sure i understand what you mean by the actual setup. I have provided a screenshot of my scenario. What part of the set up would you like to see.
Hi @fahed_abdelmalek
Can you show us the configuration for that Google Drive module?
It looks like this but for Google Drive:
Hey thanks for trying to help here is the configuration.
The first screenshot is the download a file module that i am receiving the error in.
Second and third is for search for file/folder for a .png.
I also have another module next to that one for a jpg.
Hey thanks for trying to help here is the configuration.
The first screenshot is the download a file module that i am receiving the error in.
Second and third is for search for file/folder for a .png.
I also have another module next to that one for a jpg.
Screenshot 2024-01-28 185154|504x500
Screenshot 2024-01-28 185303|319x500Screenshot 2024-01-28 185313|509x499
It looks like you are pulling in two files at once. One from module 1 and another from module 2. You may be able to only pull in one file at a time or it may not be liking the fact one is a jpg and the other png.

Try doing only one file there and see if you still get the error.
I was running it that way and it was working it stopped working out of nowhere. I tried deleting the jpg module since most of my files are in png but still getting the same error 
If you look at the output from module 1 or 2 is it pulling or finding a file? Click on the bubble with the 1 inside it if you are not sure where to find the output.
That is good.
Try using the Web View link instead of the File ID and see if that brings joy.
I noticed the ‘view?’ at the end of the weblink and not ‘edit?’. I wonder if it is a permissions issue?
This thread had the same 400 code error and there was an authentication issue. Since you just reauthenticated maybe something did not go well there. Perhaps try to reauthenticate and try the suggestions in this thread:
Google Authentication issue: Status Code Error 400 - Questions & Answers - Make Community
Great thanks for your help i do appreciate it !