Google Authentication issue: Status Code Error 400

Hey @Houssam , @D_Leon , @Mikolaj, @Itay, @Saza , @My_Cute_Cub here is what I figured out while testing a Google Connection without a paid gWorkspace account.

! Please keep in mind that I would always recommend using a paid gWorkspace account if you are using the Google API intensively inside a company environment. There will always be more restrictions/limitations on (free) gmail accounts.

I have ran 2 seperated projects calling a Google Drive API for multiple days to test out my hypothesis. After 7 days my hypothesis was confirmed and might help you. These are the following accounts/projects I tested:

  1. A gmail account with a project which was in “Testing” status.
  2. A gmail account with a project which was in “Production” status.

I’ve ran both tests 1x per day, creating a google drive folder and deleting it again:

After 7 days the “testing” project got verification issues with gDrive. This would confirm my hypothesis that “testing” projects will have their refresh token expired after 7 days.

Here are the differences and how you can fix this yourself (please read the text below the images for the full picture & “solution”):

Testing project

Production project

Within your Google Cloud console publish the project

The google cloud console can be found here. Then you have to go to “API & Services” and open the “oAuth consent screen”.

After publishing it will state it requires verification. This however is not required and it seems to work without verification for a long period.

What was not tested but might be affecting this case:

  • We did not test out the possibility of loosing a connection when you are not running the google API recurrently. Our test had the API calls being made daily.
  • We did not test this out for a long period of time. This was only just longer than a week. It might be that the Google API will still loose connection after a certain period.

Please test this out and let us know how it goes. If this solved your issue feel free to “heart” this answer so we know you got it solved :smiley: