What are you trying to achieve?
I created an apify actor module, connected the api key and then add my jason code from apify to the module (screenshot added below). Then I got an error message :"IMLError
Function ‘if’ finished with error! Function ‘validateInputJSON’ finished with error! Please check that your input is a valid JSON." (screenshot added below). How can i resolve this?
Note: here is the jason code added:
“deeperCityScrape”: true,
“includeWebResults”: false,
“language”: “en”,
“locationQuery”: “Texas, USA”,
“maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch”: 2,
“maxImages”: 1,
“maxQuestions”: 0,
“maxReviews”: 0,
“onlyDataFromSearchPage”: false,
“scrapeDirectories”: false,
“scrapeImageAuthors”: false,
“scrapeReviewsPersonalData”: true,
“searchStringsArray”: [
“roofers tx”
“skipClosedPlaces”: false