1. This forum might have or already changed your text / JSON
When pasting JSON or text into this forum, you should format the example text using the rich-text editor, otherwise the forum software might modify the displayed text, and you might get incorrect answers from others because of it.
Some things this forum software might do to mangle your text:
– remove extra spaces (which may be necessary)
– convert links to titles (when copied is incorrect)
– incorrect joined links
– convert single and double quotes to smart angled quotes ()
– emojis
– etc.
This interferes with you receiving correct answers, because it:
– makes JSON invalid (you can verify when copy-paste into https://jsonformatter.org)
– makes incorrect text examples when we need to build a pattern for text parsing
2. To prevent this in future, please format text in code blocks
A. Type code fence manually
Either add three backticks ``` before and after the text, like this:
``` content goes here
B. Highlight and click the format button
Or use the format code button in the editor:
3. You might need to re-copy the original text
Once the post has been submitted, it’s too late to format it since it’s already butchered, and you need to make a re-copy of the text, and format it before submitting the forum post.
Please let us know once you have corrected the issue. This will avoid others potentially providing wrong answers based on incorrect text in your question.
Thanks for the tip. I have reformatted my post. I have also validated the format at https://jsonlint.com/. The JSON is valid. I am not sure what the issue is at this point. It does not give me any other option.
Use an HTTP module to Run the actor (instead of the Run module of Apify). You can find the URL and endpoints by navigating to Apify, selecting the actor, and then clicking on the API dropdown followed by “API endpoints.” Use the Run the actor synchronously. Afterward, retrieve the last run dataset ID by using another HTTP method with the endpoint shown in the API endpoints window (get last run). Then, use the Apify “Get Dataset” module to retrieve the result.
“Filter” the JSON using a Set Variable module. Input the JSON into the HTTP or Apify module and store some of the keys in the Set Variable module before passing them into the JSON field within the Apify or HTTP module.
I see that more had issues with this, although the last message was over a year ago. Nevertheless, I got this problem today (23 Oct 2024) but found out that although the JSON was correct, after running the scenario for some reason additional characters were added to the JSON.
These characters are shown with the RED dots. After removing them the scenario ran without an issue.