Error handling across all scenarios

I want to send myself a slack message whenever a scenario encounters an error. I don’t want to have to do it one by one across all my scenarios or one step at a time. What’s the easiest way to set up this kind of error notification across all scenarios?


The best is to leverage Make email notifications, parse the incoming email and send your Slack message.


Do you have any errors that can’t be handled by a webhook? If not then you can trigger webhooks on each error. Handling all emailed errors can work but in some cases you’ll throw an error that won’t generate an email.

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This requires adding an error handler to every operation, right?

I wouldn’t go that far. Only modules that have a known situation where they could error AND you want to handle it in some way. General errors are always handled with an email too and they reattempt a few times based on configuration.

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I’m looking to do the same setup as @gio.

Similar to what @loic.wiseflow does, I do a combo of error handler modules + forwarding Make error emails to a specific channel in Slack.