Error: Missing Value of Required Parameter 'name'

Hello, I’m trying to create a new Make organization variable with an API module. I’m putting everything exactly as I see it on the API docs, yet it’s still giving me an error saying there’s no name. I’ve tried with quotes and without, still not working.

The JSON is valid. There are no output bundles because I’m just testing this module before adding to scenario.

There’s definitely a name in there and it’s not a variable. I am using the built-in org ID variable from Make. See screenshot for error info and JSON I passed. Thank you!

Following this guide:

Hi @_Kris try to copy the json body to sublime or other smart text application
Sometimes there hidden character that invisible in web textblock😅

Or just try to write it manually.

The data looking just fine i cant tell what is the issue without having it by myself :joy:


If you open the console in Chrome, you can see what is actually sent and received during the execution. Sometimes this reveals more information than the module in your scenario.

You can use Option + ⌘ + J (on macOS), or Shift + CTRL + J (on Windows/Linux) to open the console


Name is missing because you’re not supplying it, you’re supplying “organizationVariable” object.

The payload and response have different structures and here it looks like you’re supplying the response as the payload.

The endpoint only calls for name, typeId, and value.


Omg, you’re totally right! I rushed through and copied the JSON for the Response rather than actually reading through.

Thank you!