Error on GPT module

What are you trying to achieve?

i’m trying to get GPT Module to generate a blog for me using the “Title, wordscount, primary keywords etc” but it gives me an error!!

Steps taken so far

I have already tried this module in another scenario to see if I’m out of tokens but the module works fine in other scenario, please help me understand this!!!

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

Hi @Goku_Naruto,

This is a 429 rate limit error returned by the external server, thus nothing that Make can do here.

Check if you have, in fact, not exceeded your current quota. Also check if you have the right connection. Otherwise, search for a cause on the side of OpenAI.

Hope you’ll resolve it this way!


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Thank you So much!!! I just had the wrong connection, because I’m new that’s why I overlooked it. Otherwise Thank you so much @Henk-Operative

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