The operation failed with an error. [429] You have consumed all credits in your OpenAI account, or exceeded your monthly OpenAI budget

:us: I have a problem with the ChatGPT module. When I try to use ChatGPT-4 in the system, here is the message the system gives me: The operation failed with an error. [429] You have consumed all credits in your OpenAI account, or exceeded your monthly OpenAI budget. To adjust your billing, see the OpenAI Billing Settings:

J’ai un problème avec le module chatgpt, quand je veux utiliser chatgpt 4o system voici le message que me donne le system : The operation failed with an error. [429] You have consumed all credits in your OpenAI account, or exceeded your monthly OpenAI budget. To adjust your billing, see the OpenAI Billing Settings:

Hello @Jonathan_Fournier welcome to the Make Community.

Even though this error contains the “429” code which is commonly translated as a “Too Many Requests” error, this issue is likely not caused by exceeding API rate limits but most probably by exceeding ChatGPT subscription limits.

It is recommended to:

  • Double-check you subscribed to ChatGPT API subscription as OpenAI needs you to subscribe to both ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT API to use their API.

  • Check your request did not exceed the number of tokens available to your ChatGPT subscription or the number of tokens per a single request.

You can find more info on ChatGPT subscription here: