Error Pinterest 201

I send from Airtable video to Pinterest “Make an API call.” I get 201 error message quite often. I’ve tried all kinds of things to figure out the problem, but so far I haven’t succeeded. For example if I let it run multiple times then at 4th time it suddenly succeeds. I also added a “sleep” module of 30 or 60 seconds. But still I sometimes get a 201 error message. I hope someone can help me with this.
blueprint (14).json (88.3 KB)

Can anyone help me?..

Hi there,

I also had handled the similar case about uploading the video, the thing is that their API/server’s response is sometimes in binary format in which Make module’s cannot be able to parse so the suggestion is that you might need to add an error handling route in which the modules are the same, it’s some sort of a retry route if the main (requesting for posting a video) errors out.



Thank you. This solved my problem