Error sending photos to Telegram

Hi. I have a scenario that can send photos to Telegram. However, the connection with my Telegram bot start having issues minutes ago. This is the error I get:

[400] Bad Request: not enough rights to send photos to the chat.

The Scenario have been running for months without issues, so this is surprising. My bot has all permission inside the chat. Any idea of what could be? Does anyone have this issue?


UPDATE: Actually, I can’t even send text messages. Same error.

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same thing happened to me. 404 error with not enough rights to send message. Please fix!

Looks like it is affecting all the bots, Believe something is broken on Telegram end,

You will have to wait, till Telegram resolve the issue.

Here is a ticket raised in Telegram for this particular issue,

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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Hello @Eby welcome to the community :wave:

I’m now looking at the bug report created by @Runcorn (thanks a lot for sharing it!) and it seems that Telegram has already fixed the issue. All should be up and running again :crossed_fingers:

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