Error with map

I have a problem with the map function.
I have a list of customers then there is a customer name with a comma like “Futuur, inc.”.
When I use map(listCustomer;title;title;Futuur, inc.), it is empty.
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 10.22.40 AM
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 10.22.17 AM

In the map function, other than the array variable, you cannot have other variables in the last three parameters.

You’ll have to type the value out manually as Futuur, inc., not 23.Customer.

For more information on how to map values in arrays,

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What?? I can do that, it is working if the variable doesn’t have a comma. However, there is another alternative to fix it? I need to get the object by customer name.


Having the same issue here. @Filipe_Fernandes I agree, I’m able to use a variable in the last slot of my map function without issue, but it does fail when that value contains a comma.
I assume there’s a “proper” workaround, bummed though since the map() function would have been such a clean way to accomplish this.

@samliew Is there a way to simply wrap the comma or the whole search value, that tells Make it’s part of the string?

I don’t think so, since the delimiter is a comma and I can’t think of any ways to “escape” the comma in the built-in function.

For more information, see

[possible values for filtering separated by a comma]

As a workaround, you’ll need to iterate and aggregate the array instead, using two more operations.

samliewrequest private consultation

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Thank you! I’ll just take the iterator route for now.