Errors handling and queue


I have a simple scenario that has been turned off after it encountered an error, it placed all later runs in queue and I wasn’t able to replay them.

Is there a way to prevent Make from turning my scenario off ?
What’s the best error handler I can use to prevent the error from turning the scenario off, while being alterted of the error at the same time?

I am more familiar with Zapier, where errors are reported but we can set our account to not stop the zap.

Thanks in advance for the insight

This could be intermittent server issues on the external service.

Handle errors so scenarios don’t stop.

You might want to add some error handling to your modules to handle exceptions, so the failing module(s) can automatically be retried or ignored. By handling any errors by adding a “Error handler” to the module, the scenario won’t throw an error and get turned off.

Error directives can only be added to an error handler route.

1. Right click and select “Add error handler”


2. Error handlers will appear

For more information on error handling, see:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.

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Thanks for you feedback !

If I use the ignore error handler, I’ll see the run as successful in the execution ?

I’ll dig into that.

Yes, but you won’t be able to retry the failed module.

To “save” the state of the failing module to retry again, use the break directive.

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So the break error handler is the best one if I want to be alerted of an error without turning off my scenario ?

And what’s exactly “Automatically complete execution”

Would this be a good way to handle error for example?

After having send the email I add a timestamp in our db (filter, only if mail sent). Some leads have false or fake email, hence the error. Would this break module work ?

Hey Lucas,

I know your thread is old but I would be interested in learning how you solved this so I canunderstand error handling better.

From what I’ve gathered so far, the error module “break” is used when there is a rate limit error or a connection error or another temporary error caused by an external service. The break module will then try to connect to the service again several times.

For your use case however you don’t really want to try again if you already know that the email is invalid. I would think that “ignore” might therefore be the better choice.

Would you mind sharing your solution?


Hi @Barbara2

Well I didn’t go for the ignore module because I still wanted to be alerted somehow that the email was wrong and that the lead would not receive the email.

If I was using the ignore module, from what I saw, I wouldn’t have been alerted.

So I have two branches after the mail module:

  1. If the email was sent I had the timestamp in my sheets.
  2. If error, then I use the break module and the timestamp is not added in the sheet.

Here I am alerted in 2 ways, thanks to the break module, and in my sheet (If I have a trigger timestamp but no sent timestamp, meaning there was an error).

I don’t know if it’s the optimal way but it has worked since!


Hi Lucas,

thanks for the response. That’s actually a very good point that the “ignore” module will NOT send an email in case of errors. If you want that then “break” is a better choice. And in your scenario by deactivating “Automatically complete execution” it behaves like “ignore”.

I’m getting a better feeling for when to use which error handler. Now I only need to understand what the commit module is really used for (actually business use cases).

Kind regards