Hey Atech
Could you check FluentBooking and the timezone for your availability schedule?
By any chance, is your timezone setting different, would explain the 4 hour time different.
Please tell if it is different from your local time.
We are both in the same timezone and I guess you user summer time also?
The Asia/Dubai timezone kinda make sense.
My thoughts:
E.g. If you book you schedule for 12:00 the FluentBooking either sends the data to the webhhook in regards to a timezone you set for your schedule or they send the time as thier normal time (+04:00). That makes sence, since the software company servers or they, themself is in that timezone.
Now what happens is, the date and time is send to make either formated by a timezone formated by you or by their own timezone.
From your screenshot it looks like the booking with ID: 79 is the date and timezone comming out of FluentBookings, correct?
Then you manipulate the data and send it off to WhatsApp, I don’t know if/what is send and done to the WhatsApp module, the data Variable?
Anyway, since the timezone is included in the data from FB, I would do this.
formatDate([1. Booking: start_time] ; DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss;[1. Booking: person_time_zone])
The remove the add hour variable.
And look into Whatsapp Api what date/time it expect and/or if it also needs or can tke a timezone.
My thought here, if the 12:00 is the right time for the booking and for your current time.
Then it might be whatsapp that simply thinks that it gets the time in GMT or GMT-2 and your are sending it in GMT+2 = 2024-10-23T12:00:000Z
The Z is equal to UTC = GMT = 00:00, both summer and winter.
Europe/Rome in the TZ format is +01:00 winter and +02:00 summer.
So the adfing of anything to you time will make it worse. This is a timezone and format problem in combination with 3 systems (FB - Make - WApp) that is causing this.
So in short, format the time as written, so you allways se the right time comming out of FB from a make perspective.
Check timezones for FB and how/what timezone WA wants it in, if any.
Hope this helps