Admittingly this is my first scenario, so apologies in advance
I am using a plugin to FreeAgent to make and API call that I get an output out like the following:
Bundle 1 (Collection)
Body (collection)
Projects (Array)
1 (Collection)
2 (Collection)
3 (Collection)
4 (Collection)
4 (Collection)
Have configured a couple of Iterators to get an output that gets each of the collections as a bundle. The issue I am having is sequencing through each bundle and collecting what I need from each into a row in excel, that is:
In the excel module I reference these fields from the freeagent module. I have 25 projects I should have 25 rows, which I do, but always the same / first row repeated 25 times instead of each one separately.
I suspect issue is that I need select fields from the output of the iterator, but I only have
Total number of bundles
Bundle order position
I might need to select something that is a combination from the iterator and freeagent modules to work as expected, but not been able to figuure it out
Here are screenshots of my configuration
Many thanks in advance