Extract Data From Bundles

Admittingly this is my first scenario, so apologies in advance

I am using a plugin to FreeAgent to make and API call that I get an output out like the following:

Bundle 1 (Collection)
Body (collection)
Projects (Array)
1 (Collection)
2 (Collection)
3 (Collection)
4 (Collection)
4 (Collection)

Have configured a couple of Iterators to get an output that gets each of the collections as a bundle. The issue I am having is sequencing through each bundle and collecting what I need from each into a row in excel, that is:


In the excel module I reference these fields from the freeagent module. I have 25 projects I should have 25 rows, which I do, but always the same / first row repeated 25 times instead of each one separately.

I suspect issue is that I need select fields from the output of the iterator, but I only have

Total number of bundles
Bundle order position

I might need to select something that is a combination from the iterator and freeagent modules to work as expected, but not been able to figuure it out

Here are screenshots of my configuration

Many thanks in advance


In the Iterator module (2nd screenshot), remove existing mapping, enable ‘Map’ and then map the same array,

In the Excel module remove existing mapping done directly from FreeAgent, map output from Iterator and retry scenario execution, ideally this should work as expected.

Hope this points you in the right direction, thanks.