How to cycle through a Bundle's collection/array?

I have connected to a API using HTTP and it correctly returns 1 bundle. The bundle contains a collection of results which I set to parse in Json format. My question is how to extract each item in the collection? When I run the scenario only the first item in the Bundle is returned to a google sheet. I would like the system to cycle through each item within the bundle so that all items are populate into a sheet.

Example output bundle above shows the data exists in the bundle. Just not sure how to extract it :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Use an iterator module and iterate the data.items array as the input into the iterator. The next module(s) will execute the number of times as items in the data.items array.


@alex.newpath thanks that iterated through each item however of the 35 different items (peoples names), all 35 ended up with the first items details. So each row in the resulting output sheet were the same person (item 1)

Actually my bad. I didnt change the mapping in the final output module. !! all good. thanks