Hello , How can i make facebook read this cell and get the image there to be posted on facebook page
am always reciving
i traied Http Moduel and traied from drive but its not good for automate the all posting work , i need the application read what in the cell regarding the post status and date
If you need the actual image file data, use the Google Drive “Download a file” module.
If you need the URL, use the Google Drive “Get a Share Link” module.
heloo Sam , thanks for helping me dear
regarding this , i already did and its working , but the problem is that , when my designer upload a new media link in the sheet file , i have to go to make to change the file from google drive module , because facebook cant directly dawnload the image from the cell , and both google drive module , no option there to let it read spacific sell with filting and sorting
so this is making me do the work manulay again hahah
here in the get link module , i have to map the file ID of select from the dropdown list
it cant read links
so i have to change the links to file IDs in the sheet and it kinda hard for the media team in the company ,
when i Contact facebook page module with google sheet driectly , it reads the website links and dirctly brings the media and publishing it , but with google drive and wetransfare it not doing this , so i need to find something to read and get from google drive links directly
You can use “Search files/folders” module first, followed by “Get a share link”
i am Still Facing the same problem , Facebook Cant read google drive images links links , the modul ( Search Google drive file and get shared link ) its working good but i have to updated manulay , because i have to select the file name every time when anuone of my team upload any data , if i didnt it will publish all the images there immediatly , so now am strugling with meta apps , how can i make them read the google drive and dawnload the data from it directly
thank you
here i have to do this everytime , because this modul can bring the id from the link automaticly , and i find no modul in google drive integration using the links , its always using the ID Files