Failed to parse request body as JSON

I am having Claude create me an image prompt in JSON format and then using HTTP to make a call. I keep getting this message:


Error: 400 Bad Request

  • {“detail”:“Failed to parse request body as JSON: unexpected EOF”,“status”:400}

I am not a dev, so I have no idea what this means. I am not sure if this is a problem with Claudes prompt, or with connection to API.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello @Cory_Turnbull ,

I’m still a beginner on Make but I faced the same error with Replicate API. And here how I fixed it, maybe it can help you…

I had the error while I used query parameters in my HTTP module.

Instead of that, I’ve used Body type > JSON and gave my json directly in the “Request content”.

I found the JSON model directly in the Replicate API doc which interested me. In your context, it should be Claude’s one I assume.

Best regards