Failed to set scopes when creating new connection programmatically via Make API

I need to create new scoped google drive connection with Make API call, I’ve created app in google cloud console with all needed scopes, redirect urls etc. got client id and secret and provided all parameters as described in Make API docs:

query = f''
body = {'accountName': 'New Google Drive for test',
        "accountType": "google",
        "clientId": 'id',
        "clientSecret": 'secret',
        "scopes": ['']}
params = {"teamId": TEAM_ID}
response =, json=body, headers=HEADERS, params=params)


{'connection': {'id': connectionID,
  'name': 'New Google Drive for test',
  'accountName': 'google',
  'accountLabel': 'Google',
  'packageName': None,
  'expire': None,
  'metadata': None,
  'teamId': teamID,
  'theme': '#fecd5f',
  'upgradeable': False,
  'scopes': 0,
  'scoped': True,
  'accountType': 'oauth',
  'editable': False,
  'uid': None}}

API call performed successfully but without provided scopes, also I can’t see created connection in my connections page.
Here’s what I’m getting when use API call to test if it is scoped:

query = f'{connectionId}/scoped'
body = {"scope": ""}
params = {"teamId": TEAM_ID}
response =, headers=HEADERS, params=params, json=body)


{'connection': {'scoped': False}}

My Make api key for these calls has following scopes: ‘connections:write’, ‘connections:read’