Hi all,
I built this scenario where I collect the data from a excel worksheet and I map it some other way in another sheet.
My modules are Watch records, list worksheet, list rows, add rows.
Thing is, my sheets have quite a few rows, often over 1000 up to 10 000 and every time I run the scenario I have a timeout, it processes like 300-400 rows then it stops.
Is there a way for me? I didn’t think processing 1000 rows in excel would reach Make limits.
If you can move to google sheets there is a google sheet bulk add rows module which will solve for this limit you are reaching.
If not I would work with the limits and use break error handlers for it to try again. Which error are your getting? It could be api time out limit and not MAEKs fault.
Hey, thanks for the reply.
I would really like to stick to Excel and microsoft products as we use the suite at work, but I did notice there were more options with google products.
The error I’m getting is this one:
Execution was FORCED to stop because MAXIMUM EXECUTION and OVERLAY TIMEOUT [10 minutes] had elapsed
Which makes it pretty clear. And I’m quite far from the end, I got this error after processing 300 rows or so, when I have 1000 more to process.
Maybe I’m on the wrong way and should try something else. I’ve built a local python script which processes 3 files x 1000 rows each in about 2 seconds, but I don’t have the skills yet to go from local to cloud.
I’ve read stuff about azure or google functions. Is this the way? Then, can I call a function from make?
Thanks for your help.