Filter duplicated values from running again


I have an array that I extract an ID using a regex. Sometimes this arrays brings duplicated IDs, so I have to filter only one of them to continue my scenario. Any ideas how can I do this?

Each time de regex extracts the ID one by one from the lines on the array, after that, I cannot repeat any duplicated IDs.

If your array is a simple (primitive) array containing just all numbers or all text strings, then you can use the built-in function deduplicate.

For more information, see


It is not a simple array :confused:

I have many items that diffeence each other. Any other ideas?

Example, I only filter the ID after the #.

Captura de Tela 2024-01-18 às 08.24.13

In that case, use distinct (array; [key])

For more information, see