What are you trying to achieve?
Hi guys, my task is to build an AI Agent that scraps instagram posts, photos and videos.
After the Data is scraped and the Image and Video URLs are in sent into an Excel file, I need an AI
to visually analyse the Images or Videos and filter out good ones. (Good ones are basically images
related to one company, so images where the company logo is on it or a certain color style of the company)
Is it possible to train the AI perhaps with some sample images? So that it knows what to look for.
The correct images it should put out are actually highly standardized.
Steps taken so far
So far I set up an instagram scraper with Apify and I was able to scrape the information and put
all Image and Video URLs into an Excel file automatically. Now however I need an AI step for the screening.
And then another final Excel file where only the correct image-/video posts will be stored.
Would highly appreciate your insights and ideas how to finish this setup