Filter not working

Hi guys,

I have built an automation with google forms and sheets. It includes a router and has a filter to.

When I run the model without a router and a filter the module works alright but when I add the router and and filters, the google form runs but the bundle does not seem to pass on to the google forms ‘add a row’.

What might I be doing wrong?


type or paste code here


@Harry4 could you please post a screenshot of the Forms output?

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Hi, can you give me a screenshot of the Google Forms OUTPUT from the execution history so I can understand the issue better?

If you change the Filter condition from Text operator: Equal to to contains or Equal to (case intensive), does it behave differently?

Hi momomomonmon,
This is the google form in 3 parts (I could not capture the whole form in one go so I did 3 screen shots of the form)


Look at the output of module 1.
You are comparing text. I´m not sure if what comes from module 1 is text, a number, etc.
Also look for blanks in the text (in the output of module 1) which could be doing the text comparisson to fail.

I can´t say more whitout seeing what´s autputting module 1.

Hi Ramon,

The thing is without the router, I receive results. As soon as the router and the filters are added, the output from module 1 (the google form) fails to go through the router to the appropriate google sheet.

@Harry4 Instead of ‘Equal to’, try using ‘Contains’ and ‘Does not contain’.

Hello @Harry4,
Please share your Answers collection structure sample.
That’s easy to understand and integrate your next steps.

Make sure you hide sensitive information

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