Filter that doesn't filter

I’ve got a simple numeric filter that’s letting everything through. Before I post the bundles and such I was just wondering if this is a known issue, or how I might look that up?

If Sheets query returns 0 Bundles go here, but if it returns 1 or more, go there.
The 0 bundles query never filters out 0 bundles.

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HI @Caroline_Bogart,

have you tried deleting the empty module? That might just be the reason.

If that is not the case, you’d have to send the blueprint so I can check it out.


Hi @Juliusforster

This is because of the empty module in between. Deleting that should help you.

Msquare Automation - Platinum Partner of Make

Yea, thats what I said :sweat_smile:

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