I am a beginner with MAKE. I am French and I use French software with a date format of DD/MM/YYYY. In a very simple automation, I have a problem that I can’t solve. It is impossible to import the date in the correct format. Currently, I import the date in the formatDate(now; DD.MM.YYYY)` (see the screenshot), but in my Google Sheet, the date is inserted in numeric format, and then I have to format the date to the French format. Does anyone have an idea?
![Capture d’écran 2024-07-09 à 11.41.07|357x280]
if you see the screen shot, ‘now’ is used for the current date and time, if you want to format the date use ‘format’, and then use the format that is mentioned while you hover through the formatDate field.
I have tested the 3 format options that are suggested.
The first two return dates in the Anglo-Saxon format.
The third option returns a date in numeric format, like this: 45475.
With each new import, I am forced to format the numeric format into a date in my Google Sheet.