Formation date from webhooks to google celendar

So i am pretty new to make, so i don’t understand every aspect of it.

So i created a webhook, the value for the date is this (french date):

février 29, 2024

So i don’t undersand where to convert it or witch Date and time functions to put

I don’t know if you need any other information, so please tel me if you do

thank you

Welcome to the Make community!

Where is the Webhook getting its data from? Is there any option to send English dates even though a non-English date is selected by the user?

If not, you will have to use a switch statement with 24 parameters (2 for each month), to “translate” the month into English.


Hi and thank you,

The webhook is getting its data from a cost calculator plug-in (by stylemixthemes) My site and plug-in is all in french so there is no possibility to translate before.

Okay thank you will look in to that, and then how do i convert it in to a date that works with google calendar ?

Thank you