I’m using Freshdesk’s “Watch Contacts” to pull new contacts in 5-minute intervals.
There should be about 25-50 new contacts in this time frame, but the module only shows about 5% of them. Strangely, all the contacts that come through have names starting with A (Adam, Adrianna, etc.), as if they were sorted alphabetically and only these first contacts were pulled from the list, skipping the others.
Does anyone have a clue what might be the reason behind it?
Go to the Epoch Panel, by right-clicking on the trigger module (polling triggers only), and select “Choose where to start” from the list of options in the context menu.
If you select “From now on”, the next time the scenario runs it will only return new data (or nothing if there is no new data).
This is rude and dismissive, very unbecoming especially since you are a Make partner. You did not mention what you have tried in your question, and I’m only trying to assist you. Nobody has any idea what is “basic” to you, so it’s best that you attempt to include whatever you have tried so far so that we can “cut the basics”.
The only question that you posed is
Are you not inviting suggestions as to what the reason might be?
@samilew, I’m sorry you felt offended. Let me rephrase it - “I appreciate your response. Could we kindly move past the commonly known basics?”. Hope this doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings now
Let’s focus on the outcome, please.
The case is that FD’s “Watch Contacts” module actually returns ongoing NEW contacts, but only about 5% of them. This means that they are indeed being pulled “from now on” from the time it was set. The problem here is the return of incomplete data, not the time frame of the data.
Let me share an additional insight. For testing and research purposes, I pulled contacts from the “Watch Contacts” module using the “Choose Where to Start” / “Select Manually” option. It returned a list of contacts for a wide range of dates, with names starting with the letter “A”, not sorted alphabetically. For reference, note that there should be hundreds of contacts daily.
The root cause of the “Watch contacts” module not returning the full contact list updates in real-time when set to “From now on” as explained above, might be the same.