From Clickup to Sheets (Increment Numbers for Sales Cycle)

Hey everyone,

I am trying to automate the following:
On Clickup having a lead list of potential leads to be called.
They have different fields such as:
Name, Due Date, Priority, Contact Email, Website URL, Next Contact, Last Contact, Phone Nr., Notes, Next Contact Done?, Contact Attempt, Called Back?, Picked Up?, Gatekeeper Passed?, Qualified?, Tech Call - When, Sales Call - When…

I have a spread sheet with the following:

Now I want to automate from ClickUp to Sheets using
Increment each number based on the actions I take
This is what I have right now…

I am very much confused on how to properly put everything in place.
I hope I can find some help here! Thanks

Hello @DNP

Could you describe what exactly you want to increment? What should be the dependency?



So basically I want to have my leads in my CRM and whenever I call them the “Calls made” should increment. When I passed the gatekeeper it should increment “Gatekeepers passed”, if not then “Gatekeepers reached” should increment. If they are qualified then the “qualified” field should increment. If they don’t show up on either tech call or sales call it should also increment. And if the status is changing to “Won” it also should increment.
Problem here: I don’t know how to also independently increment it.