From pdf to OpenAi to json

Hi guys,

I am trying to

  • extract text from pdf with OpenAi
  • transform text into json
  • save json onto the drive

Here is the Blueprint :
blueprint (1).json (42.3 KB)

The first error is OpenAI that refuse to extract or dowload anything

And the second error is

Even if it seems correctly configurated

Looking forward reading from you
HAve a great day

Welcome to the Make community!

The “Create a Completion” module does not support file uploads.

Try using the OpenAI “Message an Assistant” module:

Send messages to a specified or newly created thread and execute it seamlessly. This action can send the arguments for your function calls to the specified URLs (POST HTTP method only). Works with Assistants v2.

For more information, see, and in the help centre.

Related threads:

Hope this helps! Let me know if there are any further questions or issues.


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