Full automation

Tell me, please, is it possible for a person to write specific data (accounts) in the tg bot, and after that this data would immediately go into the script in make and there either a new script was going to be assembled, or accounts (tg and insta) were individually substituted into a template bundle
That is, relatively speaking, a person throws off all the data for accounts in the tg bot and the video that he wants to post, and an individual template bundle is automatically assembled in make

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yes, I would like to use a tg bot written in python, in which I would collect data for inst, facebook, and yt accounts. And after that, all data from the accounts was automatically loaded into the template script and a connection was created. That is, I want to automate everything so much that a person can use a template make script through a tg bot without using the site on their own

It’s just that the problem is that it’s not clear how to use the received data to log into one account or another