Getting form data values from Docusign based on form data names for mapping

I am fairly new to this and struggling a bit. I have a need to obtain the form data values from a Docusign completed envelope based on the form data names. I am taking the values and mapping to a google sheets template for later use to create a new board in The main issue I am running into is that whenever a change is made to the Docusign templates or web forms, it is re-ordering the data value names in the output from Docusign get envelope form data. I have roughly 50 columns of data that I need mapped and also up to 20 rows of those same 50 columns. Meaning I may have 1 full row of information or anywhere up to 20 full rows of unique information I need to have mapped. for example columns of Name, Address, City will have unique form data names of Name 01, Name 02, Name 03, Address 01, Address 02, Address 03, City 01, City 02, City 03 that need to be mapped and populated based on the form data value field returned from Docusign. I cannot just map the data to google sheets based on the form data value and corresponding number due to the change in ordering that is occurring. So I need to find a way to search for the collection number of the value based on the field name. this is the only way I can think that will help me not have to manually re-map 1000 fields of data any time a change is made within Docusign. I am in need of some urgent help on this so anything is greatly appreciated.

This can be closed as it is resolved.

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