Smartsheet to Docusign Status updating scenario - HELP!

I am trying to create a scenario that updates my docusign status in a particular sheet based on a value in a EnvelopID column. Smartsheet via the ‘get a sheet’ command passes on so much data, I can’t seem to find a food way to send that envelopeID value to docusign. Seems I need to parse through several levels of an array to return the specific value I am looking for

I do not have the level of account within smartsheet to take advantage of the docusign direct integration.

Current Steps in process:

  1. Get a sheet command from Smartsheet
  2. itterator - Get Smartsheet Column Position
  3. Array aggrigator - set bundle position
  4. Set that result as a variable
  5. get rows array in another itterator
  6. try to set it to docusign.

Basically I can return the value from the correct column, but only the first columns value, I cant have it check each row on the sheet.

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I am trying to simplify the process, because I think I am over thinking it here.

But as I am doing that what i am noticing is that the itterator doesnt seem to be passing on multiple bundles to the next item

Simplified process

Output of the itterator (this is what I would expect to want to see)

input of the next module is only receiving one bundle not multiple

Hi @Gavin_Scott-Miller,

Your iterator is generating bundles but your “Get a Row” module runs only once because the DocuSign module fails.

It is hard to help because without further knowledge of the data structure within SmartSheet. I imagine the Envelope ID is stored in a column and each row may have a different value.

I suspect that you have not mapped correctly the envelope ID field on the Docusign module.

It looks like SmartSheet returns the data in two different formats:

  1. an array of items, each item has details about a column for a specific row. It is the “Cells (array)” section
  2. a collection of items. “Cells (collection)”

It should be much easier to map using the collection so you don’t have to use complex array mapping formulas.

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