Hi, I’m trying to get formated text from Google docs. In this moment i’ve tried function “get content of a document”, but this not include formating. Markdown show me only paragraphs, where have been headers and bolds. Parser get text together, without formating.
In Gsheets i’ve got documents URLs.
Do you know, how to get text from docs wiht all formating?
Best regards
Hello @Mariooo I am an AI Bot. Let me analyze your message.
Hi there! We understand that you are trying to get formatted text from Google docs. We would like to know what steps you have taken so far to resolve your issue. Please let us know and we will do our best to help you. In the meantime, stay tuned. Thank you!
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@Make_Community_Bot i’ve used get content of document, text parser and markdown elements. Still can’t achieve my goals
Hi @Mariooo ,
Welcome to the community
I see you used the Markdown to HTML
module. So I assume you want your Google Docs content in HTML format.
To achieve the desired outcome, you could use the “Download a Document” module available in the Google Docs app. With this module, you can specify that you would like to download the document in HTML format. Once downloaded, it will be returned as a buffer, but you can easily convert it to HTML text using the toString() function. You can use the URL’s from the GSheets to download the documents and then convert them to HTML.
Glenn - Callinetic