I think that it is not the good answer.
If I well understand the problem, the goal is to extract all the events from Google Calendar for a given day and month without considering the year…
The most simple solution is to extract all the events and then filter on given day and month.
Any other solution?
Let’s say that today is 24/04/2023, if I well understand, the goal is to retrieve the event given as example: same day, same month, but different year.
These two are the same event — Just that No (default) got the repeating original event dates set in 2021, and Yes got the event as if it wasn’t repeating (i.e.: current day).
now is the current timestamp (the day + the time).
setSecond forces the seconds to a given value, e.g., 59
setMinute forces the minutes to a given value, e.g., 59
setHour forces the hours to a given value, e.g., 26.
{{setHour(setMinute(setSecond(now; 0); 0); 0)}} forces the time to 0:00:00 in the current timestamp
{{setHour(setMinute(setSecond(now; 59); 59); 23)}} to 23:59:59 in the current timestamp.
If you want to go deeper, look here, it is important, time problems are not so easy to solve. A good place for testing, use a set multiple variables module and code your function in each variables, the results are immediate.
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