Trigger when new event is scheduled in the whole organization (by any employee) - Google Calendar


I want to create a scenario for a team that uses Google Calendar that whenever anyone in the team creates a new event, the scenario is triggered.

How should I manage such authentication in a way that is scalable (any new employee added to the Google account…) and that only one scenario is needed (and not an scenario per employee).

Thanks in advance

You might have to use a shared calendar.

Thanks Sam, can you provide more details on how it should be setup for this to work?

The admin will have to create a calendar that everyone should be tasked to use.

Then, the Make scenario can watch that single calendar for new events.

For more information, see Get All Calendars in Google Org via Google API - Stack Overflow

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Hey @Beatriz_Estrella

The scenario will be same as for one user calendar. If the calendar is shared with many users, it will trigger whosoever creates the event.

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