Google Calendar instant trigger

I am new in Make

Goal: how can i create an instantaneous automation (part in the world where the event occurs) that as soon as someone sends me an invitation on google calendar make receives the data and does the next action? (write data to another app, send mail)

I can’t figure out how to do this instantly (not after 1 minute, not after x amount of time). As soon as that event has been created.

I have read from the documentation that one possible solution is the use of Webhooks.

However, I cannot find a way to link it to Google calendar.

Any help?

Welcome to the Make community!

The only way is to set up a Custom Mailhook, because your current trigger is a polling trigger, and not an instant (Webhook) trigger.

There are two main types of triggers, Polling (scheduled), and Instant (webhooks). Polling triggers can only run on a schedule. Instant triggers can be run as soon as data is received by the webhook.

Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).
Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

The module you are using does not push changes — it’s basically a API request that Make has to occasionally “call” to fetch the latest changes/items.

To find out more on the different types of Trigger modules, see refer to Types of Modules and Webhooks sections of the Make help center.

See if your app has an “Instant” or “Webhook” trigger in Make. If not, check if the third-party service has a feature that can send out a webhooks when content is created/updated - and then you can point it to a “Custom Webhook” trigger in your scenario.

For more information, see related topic where I provided some information on a workaround using a custom mailhook

samliewrequest private consultation

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thank you for your reply.

I tried to follow your advice for the web hook does not start. It just keeps loading without performing any action.

Any suggestions?


Well, did you follow the mailhook setup instructions to get the calendar email notifications forwarded to the mailhook?

samliewrequest private consultation

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Yes I have followed what the guide says but the webhook runs idle all the time . I can only stop it manually

  • Preparing scenario for running.

  • Requesting execution.

  • The request was accepted. Waiting for data.

This is because the module is an INSTANT (Webhook) trigger, and not a POLLING trigger.

There are two main types of triggers, Polling (scheduled), and Instant (webhooks). Polling triggers can only run on a schedule. Instant triggers can be run as soon as data is received by the webhook.

Polling means Make checks external service for changes (pull changes to Make).
Webhook (instant) triggers means external service calls Make when there are new changes (push changes to Make).

To trigger the scenario, you’ll need to send data to it – in this case your mail client has to forward an email to that address while the scenario is switched ON, or in “waiting” mode like your screenshot.

To find out more on the different types of Trigger modules, see refer to Types of Modules and Webhooks sections of the Make help center.

See if your app has an “Instant” or “Webhook” trigger in Make. If not, check if the third-party service has a feature that can send out a webhooks when content is created/updated - and then you can point it to a “Custom Webhook” trigger in your scenario.

samliewrequest private consultation

Join the Make Fans Discord server to chat with other makers!

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The custom mailhook is an email address that Make generates so you’ll need to setup a filter in your email program to look for calendar invites and as soon as they are received they need to be forwarded to the mailhook email address.

So what will happen is:

  1. Someone sends you an invite to your regular email address
  2. The email program will process the inbound email and match on the invitation
  3. The email program will then forward the invite to the custom mailhook address Make generated in module 1 (you should be able to see the email address by clicking on the configuration of the custom mailhook module)
  4. Make will receive the email via the email address and instantly trigger your scenario to run.

You will need some setup in steps 1-3 done OUTSIDE of Make. Gmail for example has filters you can setup that can forward to an email address.