Google Contacts Search Module


I am setting up a scenario to update contacts in Google Contacts based on changes to their corresponding records in Airtable. Google contacts is simply used for easy access and use of contact with our mobile phones.

I have set up the Google Contacts module to search for records matching the Airtable field “Contact Record ID”, which is an extracted text version of the Airtable Contact Record ID. This text is set up in each contact in Google contacts as a custom field called “Contact Record ID”. When I search in Google contacts using the text string it finds the contact, but module seems unable to search that field. I debugged using the last name and can see that the information is pulled from Google contacts

My question is, how can I get the module to search this “User Defined Field”?

Hey @Christopher_Lembke

I have checked Google’s documentation for the ‘Search Contacts’ endpoint but there is no mention of searching with custom fields: Method: people.searchContacts | People API | Google for Developers

This may, unfortunately, not be possible as only contact names, phone numbers and emails(I suppose) are the searchable parameters.


I thought Google was beyond creating Y2K type problems, but apparently not :smiley: Thank you very much for the information and for sharing the reference.


I am getting around the issue by using the “Nickname” field in Google Contacts to input the Airtable Contact Record Id, might not work for everybody, but for our internal purposes it works fine.


Glad you found a workaround for that, cheers :partying_face: