Google Drive database values do not pass to Notion

I have a simple scenario with:

  1. Google Drive watch in a Folder
  2. Notion Create a Database Item

I have a folder in Google Drive with a .doc file and I would to transfer some metadata to a Notion table, including extension, download link…

After a first refresh, I can see the Drive metadata when I select them in the Notion module but the outcome is an empty table where I find just empty values.

I already retried the process and reauthorized that but the outcome is always the same.
I cannot understand where I am wrong.


Hi Marco, could you provide the scenario blueprint (click on the 3 dots at the bottom > Export blueprint) or screenshots of how each module is set up exactly?

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Hi, I attach you the blue print
blueprint.json (56.6 KB)

Hi I was able to bring all meta data to notion.

try using my blueprint and make sure you copy and paste my mappings into where your are in your modules. I also changed the mimetype to text field instead of select.

blueprint (14).json (71.8 KB)

good luck!


Thanks, I tried to upload your blueprint but I have this message:
Invalid instance ‘0’
I do not know what to do.
blueprint(3).json (69.5 KB)

I tried to do another scenario. Now It works.
Thanks for your help.


Of course enjoy. Can you mark as solution so others with the problem can find easily. :grin::grin: have a great day!