Mapping Issue (I'm a beginner!)

Hi all, I really hope someone can help, as I’m experiencing a complete brick wall in my scenarios.

In this example I am taking a button press on Notion to create a Google Drive folder that is named using some property values from Notion).

Here’s my issue.

In any automation I build out, I map the corresponding values to build out the folder, database item etc. (below). I fill out all the values correctly, and it all looks good.

Then, when I press ‘Run this module’ to use the information from the Webhook (correctly bundled and mapped), it asks me to do the Mapping again (below).

The issue is, there are no values that I can select on this page, and seemingly no way I can map the data I got from the Webhook in the previous module.

Is this normal? I literally just made a new account to see if it would still happen, and it does.

Clearly I’m just inexperienced, but would love it if someone could show me how to handle this issue.

Thank you, and I will provide any more information neccesary!

@Charlie_Marriott , You’re trying to run only that module, which takes in Mapped value. If you don’t get the data beforehand from the webhook, you’ll have to enter it manually. How will Make know about if you don’t send data? :slight_smile:


Yeah, thank you - I’ve worked it out now :wink:

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