Mapping problem

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I’m a new beginner starting to set up my first scenario. I’m blocked on this first step because I can not do the mapping. Following the lession, I must have the sympol + right in the middle of my setup googlesheet to do the mapping. However this symbole is not showed so I can not move on. Someone can help me please ?
Pls find attached the screenshot of the 1st lession and my example.
Many thanks

Screenshots: scenario setup, module configuration, errors

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To map something there should be some data, so where are you getting your input from?

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Thank you for your prompt reply.
Input is a bundle of data from an application weather in the exercice.

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ensure it is connected with that module if still not working, save the scenario and refreash

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Thank you very much for your help!
Finally I refreshed and started all workflow again and it works.