I built an integration with Google Firestore. However about once a week it invalidates the session, so I need to log into Make to reauthenticate.
Anyone run into that and have a fix?
I built an integration with Google Firestore. However about once a week it invalidates the session, so I need to log into Make to reauthenticate.
Anyone run into that and have a fix?
Anyone have a solution for this?
Hi @Eric_Sowers
The connection will automatically expire every week, necessitating a reauthorization. This is a security measure, Unfortunately there are no alternative solutions available.
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So how can I make another make process to automate the reauthorization? There’s gotta be a way around it somehow.
Hi @Eric_Sowers
Unfortunately, we couldn’t have a provision to reauthenticate with scenario. You needed to reauthenticate manually.