Help Needed: Automating File Analysis and Reporting with, Airtable, ChatGPT, and Notion

Hello Community,

I’m working on a scenario where I need to automate the process of receiving attachments from Airtable, analyzing them, and then saving the results into Notion. I’ve created a blueprint, but I’m running into some issues and would love some help to get it working smoothly.

Scenario Outline:

  1. Receive Attachments from Airtable: I need to pull attachments from Airtable, which can be in Excel or CSV format.
  2. File Type Check: The scenario should then identify if the attachment is an Excel or CSV file.
  3. File Analysis with ChatGPT: Once the file type is confirmed, it should be moved to a specific path for analysis. Here, I’m using a ChatGPT prompt to analyze the file and generate statistics, tables, and figures.
  4. Save Results in Notion: The final step is to take the analysis results from ChatGPT and save them into Notion as a report, including all statistics, tables, and figures.

Challenges I’m Facing:

  • I’m having trouble setting up the file type check and ensuring only Excel or CSV files are moved for analysis.
  • I’m not sure how to structure the prompt for ChatGPT within to handle file analysis efficiently.
  • I’m encountering issues with formatting the output from ChatGPT and integrating it into Notion, particularly when it comes to creating tables and figures.

My Blueprint

blueprint-2.json (60.6 KB)

Request for Assistance:

  • What’s the best way to structure the ChatGPT prompt for analyzing Excel/CSV data within this workflow? because when I ran the scenario, ChatGPT could not identify the CSV.
  • Have any tips on formatting the output for Notion, especially regarding tables and figures?

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!



For analyzing the excel sheet it might work better to setup an assistant in openAI and have the document uploaded. Otherwise you can convert the table into a text string so the AI can analyze file.

To be able to map the relevant data into notion I sugguest using OpenAI to create structured data.

Hope this helps!

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