Help Needed with Automation for Selecting Google Drive Files

Hi everyone! i’m working on a scenario, and i need assistance with setting it up correctly. The goal is to start the scenario once a day by selecting 10 posts from a Google Drive folder to continue a daily workflow. Here are the specifics of my requirements and the challenges I’m facing:

  1. Scenario Goal:
  • The scenario should run once a day.
  • It should select exactly 10 posts from my Google Drive folder to continue with the rest of the automation.
  1. Google Drive File Structure:
  • The Google Drive folder contains groups of 10 posts per article.
  • Each group represents an article, and I need to select 1 post from each group.
  • The files in each group are named in the format: nameofarticle (1).jpg, nameofarticle (2).jpg, etc.
  • The process should loop through the folder from top to bottom, selecting 1 post per group.
    Any tips, advice, or examples would be greatly appreciated!

there are lot of way to do that but here what you can do
1: select the posts from the folder get the files
2: do filter and process the automation
3: move the file to different folder

1: create folder where you have relevant post
2: process Use a router to handle logic branching.
3: move file and add new file in the folder to process
let me know if you want more details
Jitendra Prasad

Hi can you give more details

Details already given with steps you just use google drive to and text parser to get the desired file and process it.
google drive-> text parser to filter-> process-> move file to different drive for config and details you need to explore.
Jitendra Prasad